Catching up with friends and babies

We went and saw my friend on Saturday, the one who gave birth in Jan. We had a little cuddle with baby who is changing so much and so quickly. She is still so tiny at 8ILBs, but apparently she is growing in line with the growth curve, however she is in the bottom 25% so she is petite for her age; some babies are born that weight and even bigger! My friend seems so laid back and relaxed, she has really taken motherhood in her stride and I think that is reflecting on baby too, as she was just chilling and snoozing the whole time, they are such a cute little family.

We also went for a cuddle with our Godson and to have a brainstorm with the parents to get his christening/first birthday organised. He also has changed soo much in the past few weeks, he is no longer looking like a baby but now at 9 months he is looking like a boy and he is just tooo gorgeous I could eat him up. I just love baby giggles, it has to be one of my favorite sounds (the Cow and Gate advert that had the babies giggling in it was genius), it just makes my heart melt, we were pushing him on the swing outside, as we actually had some sunny weather, and he was loving it, having a little chuckle every time we grabbed his feet!

It is times like this that are the hardest as they make you soo broody, and they make you curse the universe for being unfair. However at least we have great friends and family around us with beautiful babies whose lives we are a part of, and we do feel honored that we have been asked to be God Parents.